Grade 9 English Language Arts

Course Overview:

The English Language Arts program explores three areas:


~Speaking and Listening

~Reading and Viewing

~Writing and Other Ways of Representing

Areas of study include (but are not limited to):

~Novel Studies

~Short Stories



~Research (books, online, citation…)

~Text Features and Structures

~News & Media Literacy

~Matters of Correctness

~Word Choice

~Publishing techniques (polished final copy)

~Essay Writing (5 paragraphs – intro, body/details, conclusion) 

Assessment and Evaluation:

The assessments for this course include assignments, assessments (quizzes, test, June exams), group work, presentations, writer’s notebooks, teacher observation, participation, and projects. Rubrics will be used often to let students know at the beginning what the expectations are and how they will be evaluated. These assessments will be both formal and informal and will at all times reflect the fact that our students have different learning styles and abilities. Marks can be viewed on PowerSchool and will be updated on a regular basis. 


Homework will be assigned and posted/linked on teacher website and Twitter accounts when it is necessary for students to complete or practice class work at home. As well, all students are encouraged to read for 30 minutes, 3-4 times each week to increase general knowledge and to improve vocabulary.




General Curriculum Outcomes Students will be expected to


1. speak and listen to explore, extend, clarify, and reflect on their thoughts, ideas, feelings, and experiences

2. communicate information and ideas effectively and clearly, and to respond personally and critically

3. interact with sensitivity and respect, considering the situation, audience, and purpose

4. select, read, and view with understanding a range of literature, information, media, and visual texts

5. interpret, select, and combine information using a variety of strategies, resources, and technologies

6. respond personally to a range of texts

7. respond critically to a range of texts, applying their understanding of language, form, and genre

8. use writing and other ways of representing to explore, clarify, and reflect on their thoughts, feelings, experiences, and learnings; and to use their imagination

9. create texts collaboratively and independently, using a variety of forms for a range of audiences and purposes

10. use a range of strategies to develop effective writing and other ways of representing and to enhance their clarity, precision, and effectiveness


Specific Curriculum Outcomes Students will be expected to


1.2 ask relevant questions calling for elaboration, clarification, or qualification and respond thoughtfully to such questions

1.3 articulate, advocate, and support points of view, presenting view points in a convincing manner


2.1 participate constructively in conversation, small-group and whole-group discussion, and debate, using a range of strategies that contribute to effective talk

2.2 adapt vocabulary, sentence structure, and rate of speech to the speaking occasion

2.4 evaluate their own and others’ uses of spoken language in a range of contexts, recognizing the effects of significant verbal and non-verbal language features


3.3 demonstrate an awareness that spoken language has different conventions in different situations and cultures and use language appropriate to the situation 


4.2 read widely and experience a variety of young adult fiction and literature from different provinces and countries

4.4 use cueing systems and a variety of strategies to construct meaning in reading and viewing increasingly complex print and media texts

4.5 articulate their own processes and strategies for reading and viewing texts of increasing complexity


5.1 independently access and select specific information to meet personal and learning needs – select, from a wide range, sources appropriate to their purposes – use the electronic network – develop approaches and strategies to conduct their research


6.1 respond to some of the material they read or view by questioning, connecting, evaluating, and extending – move beyond initial understanding to more thoughtful interpretations

6.2 express and support points of view about texts and about issues, themes, and situations within texts, citing appropriate evidence


7.1 critically evaluate information presented in print and media texts – assess relevance and reliability of available information to answer their questions

7.2 demonstrate that print and media texts are constructed for particular purposes and particular audiences – describe how specific text and genre characteristics contribute to meaning and effect

7.3 respond critically to texts of increasing complexity – analyze and evaluate a text in terms of its form, structure, and content – recognize how their own ideas and perceptions are framed by what they read and view – demonstrate an awareness that personal values and points of view influence both the creation of text and the reader’s/viewer’s interpretation and response – explore and reflect on culture and reality as portrayed in media texts – identify the values inherent in a text


8.1 use a range of strategies in writing and other ways of representing to – extend ideas and experiences – explore and reflect on their feelings, values, and attitudes – consider others’ perspectives – reflect on problems and responses to problems – describe and evaluate their learning processes and strategies – reflect on their growth as language learners and language users

8.2 use note-making to reconstruct knowledge and select effective strategies appropriate to the task

8.3 make informed choices of language to create a range of interesting effects in imaginative writing and other ways of representing


9.2 demonstrate an awareness of the effect of context on writing and other forms of representing – make appropriate choices of form, style, and content for specific audiences and purposes

9.3 analyze and assess responses to their writing and media productions


10.1 demonstrate an awareness of what prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, proofreading, and presentation strategies work for them with various writing and other representations

10.2 consistently use the conventions of written language in final products

10.4 demonstrate a commitment to crafting pieces of writing and other representations

10.5 integrate information from several sources to construct and communicate meaning